Karnali Provincial Government

Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives

Directorate of Agricultural Development

Agricultural Development Office


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Notice regarding submission of application for incentive grant    |    Notice regarding submission of application for incentive grant    |    Notice regarding submission of proposals for participation in the program    |    प्रथम चौमाशिक २०७९।८० प्रगति    |    कृषि तथ्याङ्क विबरण २०७६/७७    |    अमेरिकी रैथाने फौजिकीरा र यसको ब्यवस्थापन    |    कृषि औजार उपकरणमा अनुदानका लागि निबेदन फाराम    |    प्राङ्गारिक मलखाद प्रबर्द्धनका लागि निबेदन फारामको नमुना    |    कोल्ड स्टोर निर्माणका लागि निबेदन फाराम    |    ब्यावसाियक उत्पादनमा आधारित अनुदान कार्यक्रमका लागि निबेदन नमुना    |    सिंचाई आयोजना माग निबेदन फाराम    |    कृषि प्राबिधिक पदको निबेदन फाराम    |    अर्गानिक मिसन कार्यबिध २७६    |    प्राङ्गारिक मोडेल कार्यबिधि २०७६    |    बीउ पूँजि तथा घुम्तिकोष कार्यबिधि २०७६    |    प्राबिधिक बिद्यालयमा अर्गानिक स्कुल कार्यक्रम संचालन कार्यबिधि २०७६    |    शित भण्डार/सेलार स्टोर निर्माण तथा संचालन कार्यबिधि २०७६    |    कृषि-बन प्रणाली प्रर्दन कार्यकबिधि २०७६    |    कृषि औजार उपकरणमा अनुदान संबन्धि कार्यबिधि २०७५    |    कृषि पकेट सञ्चालन कार्यबिधि २०७५    |    लागत साझेदारी संचालन हुने कार्यक्रम संचालन कार्यबिधि २०७५।०८।५    |    व्यावसायीक फलफूल प्रवर्द्धन कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन कार्यविधि २०७५    |    सामुदायिक बीउ बैक संचालन कार्यविधि २०७५    |    उत्पादन तथा उद्यम प्रबर्द्धन कार्यबिधि २०७६    |    अतिबिपन्न लक्षित बर्ग अर्गानिक कार्यबिधि २०७६ (Draft Version)    |    मुख्यमंत्री उत्कृष्ट कृषक पुरस्कार कार्यक्रम संचालन कार्यविधि २०७५-७६    |    उच्च प्रबिधियुक्त नर्सरी स्थापना कार्यविधि २०७५    |    Informative notice for American fall army worm management    |    आगन्तुक आक्रमणकारी अमेरिकी फौजि कीराबाट मकै वालीलाई जोगाउन सतर्कता अपनाउँ    |    ग्रामिण कृषि सडक, साना तथा मझौला सिंचाई आयोजना संचालनका लागि प्रस्ताव आव्हान संबन्धि सूचना    |    प्रयोगशाला भवन निर्माण कार्यका लागि बोलपत्र आह्वान संबन्धि सूचना    |    प्रधानमन्त्रि कृषि आधुनिकरण परियोजना अन्तर्गत पकेट/ब्लक स्थापनाका लागि निबेदन आह्वान संबन्धि सूचना    |    दरभाउपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आसयको सूचना    |    साना तथा झौला सिंचाई र ग्रामिण कृषि सडक आयोजना संचालनका लागि उपभोक्ता छनौट गरिएको संबन्धि सूचना-१    |    भेरी खोला ऐयाँरापाताल कृषि सिंचाई आयोजनाका लागि पुन: प्रस्ताव आवह्वान संबन्धि सूचना    |    साना तथा झौला सिंचाई र ग्रामिण कृषि सडक आयोजना संचालनका लागि उपभोक्ता छनौट गरिएको संबन्धि सूचना    |    साना तथा झौला सिंचाई र ग्रामिण कृषि सडक आयोजना संचालनका लागि उपभोक्ता छनौट गरिएको संबन्धि सूचना    |    बिभिन्न आयोजना संचालनका लागि निबेदन आह्वान संबन्धि सूचना    |    Notice for Contract/Agreement to implement different project in the District.    |    Notice for interuption of sevices    |    Notice for call of proposal from womet cooperative to conduct enterprises through seed mony mobiliza    |    Notice for call of proposal from womet cooperative to conduct enterprises through seed mony mobiliza    |    Notice for participating in production grant 2077.2.6    |    Notice for contract to create seed money revolving fund    |    Notices for Implementing various programme/project in Fiscal year 2077.78    |    Corrected Notice for Enterprises promotion through Co-operative    |    Notices for launching of different programme/project in Fiscal year 2077.78    |    Notice for call of proposal for Maize seed resource center and letter for launching of lone pocket a    |    Notice for calling of contract to launching of the programme in the District    |    Notice for call of application for launching of small irrigation projects    |    Notice for call of application for the post of JTA    |    Result of written examination for Agricultural Technician (Assistant level 4th)    |    Notice for agreement    |    Notice for call of application 2078.1.19    |    Notice for call of application 2078.5.7    |    Regarding the notification    |    Notification regarding registration    |    Notification regarding submission of demand statement for various project/programme operations    |    Notice regarding Call for Proposals for conducting various projects/programmes    |    Notice regarding submission of preamble for Maize Crop Promotion Program Operator    |    Livestock Statistics of Nepal, 2017    |    Livestock Statistics of Nepal, 2076_77_(2019_20)    |   
Bharat Bahadur Basnet

Bharat Bahadur Basnet

Office Chief

Ramakant Khanal

Ramakant Khanal

Information Officer


Kalikot district, a part of Karnali Province, consists of three municipalities, six rural municipalities and eighty three ward with coverage of seventeen hundred forty one square kilometer area. Kalikot district has different range of altitude from 730 masl (KHULALU) to 4790 masl (CHULIMALIKA) with diversified climate from subtropical to temperate which reinforce the production of variety of commodities. The superior variety selection with climate suitability for their optimal production, and innovation and extension of geographically adaptive technology is the pivotal requirement for transformation of agriculture sectors in Kalikot district. With keeping these all fact mandatory and from decision of Nepal government the Agricultural Development Office, Kalikot has established in the date of 1st Shrawan, 2075 even it has operated systematically date from 2075-08-11 BS.   

Today, the prime responsibilities of we have are delivering those services of agricultural measures as which was rendered by District Agricultural Development office Kalikot focused on survey and surveillance of insect pests and diseases and their management, laboratory test and diagnosis services, seed, Pesticide and fertilizer inspection, regulating agro vet  etc. As per the Government of Karnali province pledged on creating foundation of organic state, we have nurtured organic agriculture through IPM, Botanical/Bio pesticide promotion, augmented compost quality, and IPNMS. This Office also bolstering all manoeuvers that links marketing, value addition, food security, agro-eco-tourism, and Commodities quality control systems. 

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